Thursday, April 16, 2020

A major repair project

So about three years ago... I acquired one heavily damaged and stripped RV-4 carcass.  It has a lot of hardware, and good parts, but about a two dozen major parts that are bent beyond repair. 

Here's the list of what has been removed and replaced with new;


F-401 - Firewall. trashed  and bottom angle bent and replaced  
F-418-R - Bulkhead under rear baggage,  bent at the rear seat attachment.
F-407A-L/R - Rear seat bulkhead, bent on the bottom seem
F-414A-L/R & F-415A-L - Bulkheads under the pilot, bent at the spar attachment

F-420-L - Front-side, bent at spar attachment
F-422 - Big belly sheet, very beat up (from dragging) and buckled under spar
F-423-L/R - Beside pilot, bent at on both ends, both sides
F-425- Turtledeck, bent near tail from rudder
F-426-Rear belly pan, buckled near rear back-seat seem and very beat up (from dragging

Angle (they have no part numbers)

3/4"-1/8" angle from lower firewall to top-of-spar bulkhead on the right side bent/replaced 3/4"-1/16" angle from rear bulkhead to tail replaced on the left side, bent.

While this seems like a large list, there are hundreds of parts that are in good shape, completely undamaged.

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